Saturday 21 July 2007

Diary 1992. Extract 2.

November 18 1992.

Dear D,

I think that I feel sad. I’m not sure. I think it’s sadness, but I am feeling panicky too. I have a dilemma. I don’t know whether or not to have plastic surgery. Mum says that I can. I wish that I had someone to talk this through with.

If I go ahead then my individuality will be destroyed. I guess that I’ll stop being me. I’ll be a totally different person. That’s what mum says.

But the bullying will end and my self confidence will increase and so will my general happiness. Part of me says that I am me. I am [insert name] and I should be happy that I am alive. But that’s a bit shit, because I feel so sad. I look at myself in the mirror and I hate what I see. I AM FAT AND UGLY.

I hate meeting people. I hate leaving a room in case people start talking about how ugly I am. I hate going out. Plastic surgery is a solution. I hate myself!

The other solution would be to cut and cut until my ugly face was one big scab.

Why would anyone every love me?
I'm glad that mum doesn't know about my eating.

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